Every week, Chicagoland Home Products, figuratively, moves custom storage to the next level in Chicago houses, apartments, garages and basements. Here’s a project that takes it, literally, up a few rungs. You may even find yourself wishing for higher ceilings so you can use a ladder like this to take your library to new heights.
Chicagoland Home Products created custom built-in white shelves to house this client’s books and other items that she wanted to display. The book storage shelving is topped with crown molding for a look of permanence. There are a number of ways to get to the top shelf, such as jumping or teetering on a chair but, what could be more distinctive, not to mention convenient, than a library ladder.
Typical of their attention to fine finishing touches, CHP stained the ladder to match the floor of the library. The ladder utilizes a brake to provide easy access and mobility for this space. This design makes you wish you needed something off the top shelf.
Top shelf design and construction is what you get from Chicagoland Home Products. You may need custom shelving, unique storage in a basement or cabinets for quick access in a garage. You might have one of those spaces where there needs to be something, but you can’t quite figure out what or how. CHP can help you visualize what goes “there,” design it and build it to fit.
Call, live chat or email CHP and let’s get started on making your spaces even more comfortable and efficient.