It’s time for a fresh start. It’s time to take back the garage. This Old House reports that 30% of people who own garages actually park their car in it. That means that the other 70% probably can’t fit their car in their garage because of all their stuff. If you find yourself in that situation, read these 3 tips on organizing your garage.
The first thing you have to do is clean out your garage. Do a full thorough search and take full inventory of what you want to keep. Throw the rest away. Cleaning out your garage can be a painful process but it can also be cathartic. As you clean our your garage, you may find a few boxes that still haven’t been unpacked or old toys that your children never play with. All of these things are adding to the clutter so feel free to throw it out and get ready to take back your garage.
Another simple tip for organizing your garage is utilizing your wall space. Instead of placing everything on the floor or stacking it away in a corner, why not organize your garage by placing items on the wall? By using slatwall, hooks, and baskets to store athletic equipment, lawn equipment, bikes, and other tools in your garage, you will instantly save space by not having everything spread out on the floor.
Finally, a great way to organize your garage is to install cabinets. If your garage is big enough to fit your car with room to spare, then installing cabinets could be the answer to your organization needs. Cabinets and other storage systems will cut down the cutter and simultaneously organize your garage because now everything will have a proper place for storage.